Instant Ocean FAQs

We have compiled a list of frequently asked questions and had our experts answer them.

Sea Salt

Q:  What is the proper way to mix salt water? A:  Always add the salt mix to the water, not the other way around. Adding water to the salt mix briefly creat...

Water Testing

Q:  What should I test my water for? A:  You should test your water regularly for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH and carbonate alkalinity. If the tank is und...

Foam Fractionation

Q:  What is a protein skimmer/foam fractionator? A:  A protein skimmer, sometimes called a foam fractionator, is a device that removes dissolved organic mat...

Water Quality

Q:  I am having a problem with consistently low pH. I have added buffer but the pH is still low. A:  In order to properly diagnose pH problems, you need to ...

General Questions

Q:  How can I get the SeaScope® newsletter or get put on the mailing list? A:  If you are a hobbyist, ask your local pet shop for a free copy of SeaScop...